How to Become a Topper in Class 10th Board Exam?

Scoring top marks in the Class 10th board exams is a dream for many students. It needs hard work, smart study habits, and discipline. Here are some easy-to-follow tips to help you become a topper in your Class 10th board exams:

1. Understand the Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Know Your Syllabus: Start by understanding the syllabus for each subject. Make a list of all the topics you need to study. This will help you keep track of your progress and ensure that you don't miss any important topics. The syllabus is like a roadmap that guides your study plan.

Learn the Exam Pattern: Find out how the exam is set, the types of questions, and the marking scheme. This will help you plan your study time better. Knowing the exam pattern will help you understand the weightage of different sections and topics, allowing you to focus more on high-scoring areas.

2. Create a Study Schedule

Plan Your Time: Divide your study time among all subjects. Spend more time on subjects you find difficult but also review the ones you are good at. A balanced study schedule ensures that you cover all subjects effectively without feeling overwhelmed. Make a timetable that includes time for studying, revising, and taking breaks.

Set Goals: Break your study material into small parts and set daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Make sure these goals are achievable. Setting realistic goals keeps you motivated and helps you track your progress. Celebrate small achievements to stay motivated.

3. Focus on Understanding

Clear Your Basics: Make sure you understand the basic concepts well. This makes it easier to learn more complex topics. A strong foundation is crucial for mastering any subject. Don't just memorize facts; try to understand the underlying concepts and principles.

Use Different Resources: Don’t just stick to your textbooks. Use reference books, online videos, and other resources to understand subjects better. Different resources provide different perspectives and explanations, which can help you grasp difficult concepts more easily. Websites like Khan Academy, YouTube, and educational apps can be very helpful.

4. Practice Regularly

Solve Past Papers: Practicing previous years’ Class 10th exam papers helps you get used to the exam format and question types. It also helps you understand the types of questions that are frequently asked and how to answer them effectively. Make it a habit to solve at least one past paper every week.

Take Mock Tests: Regular mock tests can help you check your preparation, manage your time better, and build confidence. Mock tests simulate the actual exam environment, helping you improve your speed and accuracy. Analyze your performance in mock tests to identify areas where you need improvement.

5. Revise Often

Make Notes: Write down important points, formulas, and definitions. These notes are useful for quick revisions. Summarize each chapter in your own words to reinforce your understanding. Use diagrams, charts, and mind maps to make your notes more visual and easier to remember.

Revise Regularly: Keep revising what you have studied. Schedule revision sessions often. Regular revision helps reinforce your memory and ensures that you retain information for a longer period. Set aside time each week for revision to avoid last-minute cramming.

6. Work on Weak Areas

Find Weak Spots: Check your performance regularly to find areas where you need improvement. Focus more on these areas during your study sessions. Identify the topics and subjects where you make the most mistakes and spend extra time understanding and practicing them.

Ask for Help: Don’t hesitate to ask your teachers or friends for help with difficult topics. Studying in groups can also be helpful. Group studies allow you to discuss and clarify doubts, share notes, and learn from each other. Don't be afraid to ask questions in class or seek help from tutors if needed.

7. Take Care of Your Health

Eat Well: Have healthy meals to keep your energy up. Avoid junk food and drink plenty of water. A balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains provides the nutrients your brain needs to function well. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks that can cause energy crashes.

Exercise: Regular exercise helps reduce stress and improves concentration. Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, which enhances cognitive function. Even a short walk or some light stretching can refresh your mind and improve your focus.

Sleep Well: Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. A well-rested mind works better. Sleep is essential for memory consolidation and overall brain function. Avoid staying up late to study; instead, follow a consistent sleep schedule.

8. Stay Positive

Be Confident: Believe in yourself. Confidence can greatly improve your performance. Positive self-talk and visualization techniques can boost your confidence and reduce anxiety. Remind yourself of your strengths and past achievements to stay motivated.

Reward Yourself: Celebrate small successes to stay motivated during your study journey. Give yourself rewards for achieving your goals, such as a treat or a fun activity. This helps maintain your motivation and makes studying more enjoyable.

9. Avoid Distractions

Limit Social Media: Reduce the time you spend on social media and other distractions while studying. Social media and electronic devices can be major distractions. Turn off notifications or use apps that block distractions while you study.

Create a Good Study Space: Find a quiet, well-lit place to study where you won’t be disturbed. A dedicated study area helps you focus better and create a productive study environment. Keep your study space organized and free from clutter.

10. Be Consistent

Stay Disciplined: Consistency is important. Stick to your study schedule and make studying a daily habit. Regular study habits are more effective than sporadic, intense study sessions. Stay disciplined and follow your timetable even when you don’t feel like it.

Keep Trying: Don’t give up if you face setbacks. Keep working hard with determination and persistence. Everyone faces challenges and setbacks, but it’s important to stay focused on your goals and keep pushing forward.


Becoming a topper in the CBSE Class 10th board exams needs dedication, good planning, and regular effort. By following these tips and staying positive, you can achieve your goal and do well in your exams. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. Stay focused, work hard, and good results will come.

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